Bashel LewisComment

23 & ME

Bashel LewisComment
23 & ME

At 19 years old I started Cope Fashion as a way to express myself while relating to other people’s shared experiences. Four years later, this platform and YOU have become an essential part to my growth as an individual. We’ve cried together, gone to fashion week, traveled the world, graduated college, prayed, moved to New York, and even tried to find love. The journey to “23 & Me” has not been easy; however, its been filled with lessons that are guiding me to become a better Bashel.

Today, I want to challenge all of my COPERS to believe in yourself as much as you believe in me!

You deserve love.

You deserve support.

You deserve lifelong success & happiness.

Thank you for sticking with this little boy from Atlanta. #BlackBoyJoy